When you suffer from an acute toothache, our specialist will help you immediately, especially to stop caries from growing. Come with an early stage of caries, here we appreciate an early detection and prophylaxis...
Irreversible pulpitis is the reason why root canal treatment should begin immediately. Fracture or teeth damage cause complications in the pulp. Deep caries also harms. We need to remove nerve from teeth and fill all the canals, to prevent further spread of infection...
In modern dentistry we have two types of dentures – removable and fixed dentures. It’s always hard and complicated to choose the right one. Our specialist will help you and make all for your best comfort...

We współczesnej stomatologii można wyróżnic dwa rodzaje protez - protezy ruchome i protezy stałe. Wybór tego czy innego wariantu protezowania uzębienia zależy od ogólnego stanu zębów, a także od estetycznych i funkcjonalnych życzeń pacjenta...
Removable dentures
When we can’t avoid tooth extraction.We say “goodbye” only to those teeth, that we can’t save. Before extraction we are going to try every other options to keep teeth in mouth...
Implants are the most modern technology for fill in missing teeth. We can fill one or more teeth without grinding nearby teeth, how we make it when it goes about bridge...

Dentistry for children
Deciduous teeth need the same way of treatment like permanent teeth. We need to keep these teeth until child is 13–14 years old. Beauty and health of permanent teeth depends on the health of lactic teeth...

Lip augmentation and modeling
The procedure of filling the lips involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel. As a result of this treatment, the skin is smoothed and its proper hydration is restored...

The most popular method of smoothing wrinkles is mainly in the upper part of the face, the so-called facial wrinkles, procedures using botulinum toxin . Treatment involves the administration of the drug at a low dose in a few carefully-chosen areas on the face...

Procedures using platelet-rich plasma, used for natural rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin. Platelet-rich plasma contains numerous growth factors that stimulate the formation of new collagen and blood vessels...

Procedures for smoothing wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, are highly effective and instant results. The cosmetic effect lasts for approx. 6-9 months, after that hyaluronic acid is gradually biodegraded...